Trading operations

Trading operations on Panda Exchange

Panda Exchange works as a platform that safeguards the digital assets involved in every operation between two users. Trades on Panda Exchange are made from one user to another, and the rates and values of the virtual assets for the operations are established by them. Our users can operate with Colombian pesos (COP) in Colombian market and with BTC, BCH, ETH, LTC, DAI, DASH, ZEN, PIVX and USDT in the international market.

Our platform also offers the opportunity to create purchase and sale orders that are automatically executed when the conditions determined by the user are met. Through these orders it is possible to schedule operations to be made in order to get some digital assets for certain prices or to buy a certain amount of crypto assets, no matter their price rate.

Guides for trades on Panda Exchange:

How to trade on Panda Exchange

How to create purchase orders on Panda Exchange